I'm awesome!

Age 30, Male

New York, United States

Joined on 2/24/08

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were-panther's News

Posted by were-panther - January 1st, 2011

What you do is you take lines from different poems (or different parts of the same poem) and rearrange them to make a different one, like so;


The grieved are many, I am told; (Dickinson)

So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. (Tennyson)

Deep as first love, and wild with all regret; (Tennyson)

While the Weary Blues echoed through his head. (Hughes)


The second day of mourning is always grey, (Gaston)

For all that is done and said. (Yeats)

He then becomes a man of woe; (Blake)

And slept like a rock or a man that's dead. (Hughes)

No man is an island. (Donne)

Posted by were-panther - December 13th, 2010

I'm very interested in programming. Specifically Objective-C, C, and Java. I was wondering how many people in the NG community are interested in or know serious programming languages - post here if you do + which language?


Posted by were-panther - December 12th, 2010

2350 on PSAT!


Posted by were-panther - November 17th, 2010

New song again - I remembered this song from old times and decided to redo it. Megaman. I've had a bit of a '90's flashback over the last couple of months what with Portal 2 coming soon, the resurgence of text-only browsers, et cetera. So; to the future!

Posted by were-panther - June 12th, 2010

Techno song

It's a messed up version of flight of the bumblebee with some weird guy in the background. Don't know what I was thinking when I made it.


Techno song out

Posted by were-panther - April 2nd, 2010

I am nearly a registered Apple Developer, planning on developing applications for the Android as well. It seems difficult. It IS, believe me. But YOU CAN DO IT. If you're on this site that means you can do it. I will be releasing a tutorial to teach YOU how to program applications on the iPhone and iPod Touch platforms. I will cover everything from simple Object-Oriented Programming all the way up to OpenGL ES, which lets you display 3D images on the iPhone and is a LOT harder than it looks. I'm sorry I have not posted or released anything for a while. For now, though, watch my blog, my Twitter page, and/or my Wikipedia user page.

P.S. Want to download Xcode, the iPhone Software Developer Kit? Look here.

P.S.S. New song, MW2 Improv. I think it's pretty good, but the beginning is a little boring and it is a little short, and the guitar could be mastered better. But just listen to the whole song and I think it's OK. It was made in about 45 minutes and uploaded in about 10 hours. Don't ask. Click here to listen to it.


Posted by were-panther - August 29th, 2009

I really need songs for my new Madness submission. I'm thinking I need something happy, bouncy, and perky with a really addictive and high melody, modeled after the music in Madness Redeemer. That music contains only one violin- I'm fine with any instrument but brass and piano. The music CAN'T have a hiphop beat- that would kill it. I also need a sad song modeled after the sad song used in Madness 3 and 4. It only needs to be about 10 seconds long.

Posted by were-panther - August 27th, 2009

I'm starting a Madness project! It'll be my second submission, because I'll be putting a worse one in first to get myself verified so my submission doesn't miss Madness day. Here's my new question, and it's a very noobish one:

Do you need to ask someone if you want to use their songs? Because people like Sean Hodges must be overflowed with requests, so do you even need to ask?

Posted by were-panther - August 24th, 2009

I'm working on a song, and I can't think what genre to put it into. It is an eerie, echoey song in a major key. It has lots of random sound effects thrown in there, including the backdrop of wind howling. The main instruments are strings, organs, pianos, and synth bells. What genre would this be? Maybe ambient? Experimental? Classical (because it does have a melody, its just very dissonant, echoey, and repetitive)?

I'm thinking Ambient, and if I get no answers, then I'll go with that.

Posted by were-panther - August 23rd, 2009

#3 is out! I may be taking a break from these for a while. And I'm beginning a new project. This puts me onto six simultaneous projects.... I hope to finish three of them. You know, every time someone typed something like this on their userpage, especially Krinkels, I always thought something along the lines of "lazy underachiever". But now I'm reconsidering that, 'cause now it's me and doing three of the projects just seems sensible.

Edit: I just ditched one. The song I wanted to parody was just too long and complicated.
